De origem alemã, mas muito populares nas nossas praias de portugal, as bolas de berlim são uma bombinha calórica muito apetecida!
Contudo, para fazê-las bem é preciso ter alguma prática com massas lêvedas.
Foram precisas 3 tentativas para perceber onde é que estava a errar. Mas é como dizem...à terceira é de vez!
Farta de receitas sem me dizerem as dicas essenciais para fazer esta iguaria, fui ao youtube e encontrei este vídeo em alemão que foi a minha salvação.
Ingredientes (para 12-14 bolas médias):
1 c sopa de fermento de padeiro seco (ou 25g fresco)
100ml de leite morno
300g de farinha sem fermento
50g de açúcar
2 ovos
1 pitada de sal
40g de manteiga derretida
2 c sopa de rum (usei bacardi)
raspa de 1 limão
Junta-se a farinha num recipiente, faz-se um buraco no meio e coloca-se o fermento, uma pitada de açúcar e sal. Coloca-se o leite morno (coloque o dedo indicador no leite. Se conseguir suportar durante uns segundos é porque está numa boa temperatura) e misture com um pouco de farinha em volta. Tape com película aderente e um pano por cima e deixe da noite para o dia num local seco e abrigado de correntes de ar (eu costumo deixar dentro do microondas).
No dia seguinte, bater os ovos com o açúcar até ficar uma mistura cremosa. Adicione a raspa de limão e o rum.
Adicionar esta mistura à farinha com o fermento e bata com a batedeira utilizando as varas específicas para massas (tipo rabo de porco) durante 5-10min.
Polvilhe a massa com farinha e deixe levedar por 2h ou até duplicar de volume.
Findo este tempo, sovar a massa numa superfície enfarinhada e esticar com o rolo da massa. É sua opção ficarem mais grossas ou não, mas tenha em conta que elas ainda vão levedar e crescer muito quando fritarem, por isso 1,5cm-2cm de altura são suficientes.
Cortar com um copo com o diâmetro à sua escolha. Colocar as bolinhas num local abrigado e tapado com um pano. Deixe levedar por mais 30min. *
Para fritar, escolhe um tacho médio-pequeno para evitar ter que gastar muito óleo. Veja aqui o vídeo para perceber a altura a que deve ficar o óleo. A temperatura não deve ultrapassar dos 160ºC. Esta parte é a mais crítica porque se o óleo estiver quente demais as bolas ficam queimadas e nao cozem por dentro. Com a prática vai perceber. Frite de um lado e de outro e escorra-as num prato com papel absorvente. Quando estiverem mornas passe pelo açúcar. Reserve.
*Eu aproveito esta altura para fazer o creme de pasteleiro. Este creme dá para cerca de 11 bolas.
250ml de leite
2 ovos
62,5g de açúcar
27,5g amido de milho
Misturar todos os ingredientes muito bem com a vara de arames e levar ao lume brando até engrossar, mexendo sempre.
Transferir para um recipiente de vidro, cubra com papel aderente (junto ao creme para evitar criar aquela crosta) e reserve no frigorífico até que as bolas estejam fritas e arrefecidas.
Fazer um corte nas bolas e rechear com o creme (eu opto por colocar o creme no saco de pasteleiro porque acho mais prático e faz menos sujeira).
E pronto! É só lamber os dedos a seguir :)
* * * * * * * *
From German origin, but very popular on our beaches in Portugal, 'bolas de berlim' as we call them, are a truly caloric bomb but deeply appreciated by everyone!
However, to do this pastry dream you must have some practice with fermented dough.
It took me three times to understand what I was doing wrong. But as they say ...the third time's the charm!
Sick of recipes that didn't share the essential tips to make this delicacy, I searched on youtube and found THIS German video that was my salvation!
Ingredients (for 12-14 medium berliner):
1 tbsp dry yeast (or 25g fresh)
100ml warm milk
300g plain flour
50g white sugar
2 eggs
1 pinch of salt
40g melted butter
2 tbsp rum (I used Bacardi)
Zest of 1 lemon
Place the flour on a recipient, make a hole in the center and put the dry yeast, a pinch of sugar and salt there. Warm the milk (put your index finger in the milk. If you can handle it for a few seconds, it's because the temperature is good) and mix it with a little bit of the flour around. Cover with plastic wrap and a cloth and let it rise overnight in a dry and warm place (I usually leave the recipient inside the microwave).
In the next day, beat the eggs with sugar until creamy. Add the lemon zest and rum.
Add this mixture to the flour and beat with electric mixer using dough hooks (like a pigtail) during 5-10min.
Sprinkle the dough with flour and let rise for 2 hours or until it doubles in volume.
After this time, knead the dough on a floured surface and stretch with a rolling pin. It's your choice if you want it thicker or not but remember that the dough will going to rise one more time and grow a lot when fried, so 1.5cm - 2cm in height will be enough.
Cut with a glass with a diameter of your choice. Place the dough circles in a sheltered place and cover them with a cloth. Let rise for another 30 minutes. *
To fry, choose a medium-small pot to avoid using a lot of oil. Here's the video to show you the correct height that the oil should be. The temperature should not exceed the 160 °C. This part is the most critical because if the oil is too hot the doughnuts will get burned outside and raw in the center. With a little bit of practice you will get it. Fry on both sides and drain the oil to a plate with paper towels. When warm, roll the doughnuts in a bowl with white sugar. Reserve.
* I take this opportunity to do the pastry cream. This cream will be enough to fill about 11 balls.
250ml milk
2 eggs
62,5g white sugar
27,5g corn starch
Mix well all the ingredients and bring it to low heat until thickened, stirring constantly.
Transfer to a glass container, cover with plastic wrap (in contact with the cream to avoid creating that pudding crust) and set aside in the refrigerator until the doughnuts are fried and cooled.
Make a cut in each doughnut and fill them with cream (I chose to put the cream in pastry bag because it makes less dirt in the kitchen).
And voilá! Just lick your fingers after eating one of these :)
Place the flour on a recipient, make a hole in the center and put the dry yeast, a pinch of sugar and salt there. Warm the milk (put your index finger in the milk. If you can handle it for a few seconds, it's because the temperature is good) and mix it with a little bit of the flour around. Cover with plastic wrap and a cloth and let it rise overnight in a dry and warm place (I usually leave the recipient inside the microwave).
In the next day, beat the eggs with sugar until creamy. Add the lemon zest and rum.
Add this mixture to the flour and beat with electric mixer using dough hooks (like a pigtail) during 5-10min.
Sprinkle the dough with flour and let rise for 2 hours or until it doubles in volume.
After this time, knead the dough on a floured surface and stretch with a rolling pin. It's your choice if you want it thicker or not but remember that the dough will going to rise one more time and grow a lot when fried, so 1.5cm - 2cm in height will be enough.
Cut with a glass with a diameter of your choice. Place the dough circles in a sheltered place and cover them with a cloth. Let rise for another 30 minutes. *
To fry, choose a medium-small pot to avoid using a lot of oil. Here's the video to show you the correct height that the oil should be. The temperature should not exceed the 160 °C. This part is the most critical because if the oil is too hot the doughnuts will get burned outside and raw in the center. With a little bit of practice you will get it. Fry on both sides and drain the oil to a plate with paper towels. When warm, roll the doughnuts in a bowl with white sugar. Reserve.
* I take this opportunity to do the pastry cream. This cream will be enough to fill about 11 balls.
250ml milk
2 eggs
62,5g white sugar
27,5g corn starch
Mix well all the ingredients and bring it to low heat until thickened, stirring constantly.
Transfer to a glass container, cover with plastic wrap (in contact with the cream to avoid creating that pudding crust) and set aside in the refrigerator until the doughnuts are fried and cooled.
Make a cut in each doughnut and fill them with cream (I chose to put the cream in pastry bag because it makes less dirt in the kitchen).
And voilá! Just lick your fingers after eating one of these :)
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